Add custom field to Users module

I want add fields in module user.
What should I do and how.
can anyone help me with this problem.
Thank you very much!!!


  • Hi DungNH_1234,
    You may use the following -

    $moduleInstance = Vtiger_Module::getInstance($moduleName);
    $blockInstance = Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_USER_IMAGE_INFORMATION',$moduleInstance);
    $field = new Vtiger_Field();

    $field->name = "CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME";
    $field->label = "CUSTOM_FIELD_LABEL";
    $field->column ="CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME";
    $field->table = "vtiger_users";
    $field->uitype = '1';
    $field->typeofdata = 'V~O';
    $field->readonly = '0';
    $field->displaytype = '1';
    $field->masseditable = '0';

    echo "Done";

    NB- Please take a backup of Database before you do the above

  • @vivek85
    Thank you very much.
    I will follow your instructions.
    This forum is great for me
  • Great. Thanks
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