Export Custom Module
Hi. I am trying to export custom module.
I have tried below and replaced zip.inc and it starts downloading zip file but always fails download.
The Module.zip file is 13kb but fails every time.
If the zip does not work. Replace the file located at: vtlib/thirdparty/dZip.inc.php with this version: http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/blob/6.4.0/vtlib/thirdparty/dZip.inc.php
I have tried below and replaced zip.inc and it starts downloading zip file but always fails download.
The Module.zip file is 13kb but fails every time.
If the zip does not work. Replace the file located at: vtlib/thirdparty/dZip.inc.php with this version: http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/blob/6.4.0/vtlib/thirdparty/dZip.inc.php
Might be silly, but have you check to see if the below are installed on the server?
- Zip Archive Package Library installed at server.
- DOMDocument (php-xml) Package Library installed at server.
Id also check your php.ini settings along with the config.inc.php.